Be brave. Be vulnerable. -カナダの仕事探しで学んだこと-

This article has both English and Japanese version.


It’s been more than 6 months since I came to Canada. During my studies, I developed a strong interest in marketing and dreamed of getting a marketing job. No matter what kind of jobs you seek, getting a job is very hard here in Vancouver. It took me almost 2months to get my current job as a barista and cashier. I used to send tons of emails, walking around the city to drop off my resume. Even in the case when I passed the interview, I couldn’t pass the training for 3 places. I got many rejections (almost all the time they didn’t even respond) and experienced heart-wrenching failures. However, a boba tea shop accepted me as a team member, and it’s been 5 months since I started to work. I like to talk with customers. My coworkers are all nice. I didn’t have anything to complain. But, I was still dreaming of working in marketing. I understood how hard it is to get a job here. Also, I understood my English ability has much room for improvement. However, more than anything, I understood that I needed to put myself in a harsh environment so I could make the biggest possible effort. The more challenging it is, the more I can grow up. Staying in my comfort zone is not going to help me push myself to be a better version of myself.

So I started the second job seeking. I dedicated myself to polishing my resume and cover letter and developing a LinkedIn profile. I joined workshops to enhance job interview skills, participating in the Job Fair to practice the interview (not to actually get a job haha).

My consistent effort paid off almost 2 months later since I started. I could have an interview opportunity with a marketing company.

……… What do you think? Did I do well?

………No, I messed up. I didn’t do well in the interview, actually. The interview was with an interviewer and another candidate. It was mainly an explanation about the company, and the questions were based on the things the interviewer explained. It was hard for me to keep up with the fast and a little bit complex conversation, processing what the interviewer said and responding immediately. It was definitely a matter of my English level. To make things worse, I didn’t remember the interviewer’s name which they asked in the survey after the interview. However, surprisingly, I found that I had received a phone call from the interviewer, who left a message saying that she was waiting for a callback.

I had mixed feelings. I was happy that I got a chance to work for the company but I felt quite anxious about my qualification. Even if I had been hired by any chance, I’m not going to do well, which makes me feel useless. Everyone else in the company, who is much more competent than me, should be going to consider me as an “incapable” person. I was too anxious. Again, I was afraid of judgment from others.

I realized why I feel intimidated so much: I define myself as a perfectionist, which affects me in both positive and negative ways. Perfectionism keeps me motivated to improve myself, but it also keeps me from showing my vulnerability. Let’s say I talk with somebody in English. Then he/she says something that I don’t understand. I tend to hesitate to honestly say that I don’t get it, pretending to understand it. For me, it takes courage to expose my incapability. However, I realized that my vanity( inflated pride) amplifies timidity for challenging situations, which keeps me from the opportunity where I really can grow.

I don’t think that I’m a perfect candidate. If I pass, I will definitely suffer from my lack of capability.

Then why don’t I honestly say “I can’t” for the things that I really can’t? Can’t I ask for support when the situation is very hard? There should be many challenging things. However, even if somebody mocks me about my incapability, I will not care. I set my mind and called back to the interviewer. I told her that I didn’t fully understand what she explained in the previous interview. Then she had me explain what I understood. She said I understood enough and explained to me that many employees have different English levels. One week later, I received a job offer from the company. The first one month is going to be training. I’m not sure if I can pass it. But I’m brave enough to show my vulnerability. No matter what kind of challenges I’m going to face, I will make a persistent effort to solve them. If it’s too hard to solve alone, I can ask for help. I’m not going to be afraid of judgment from anyone.

You’ll see how it went in the next article!

































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