My Philosophy– category –
Be brave. Be vulnerable. -カナダの仕事探しで学んだこと-
This article has both English and Japanese version.下にスクロールすると日本語版が読めるよ! It’s been more than 6 months since I came to Canada. During my studies, I developed a strong interest in marketing and dreamed of getting a marke... -
Step out of your comfort zone -挑戦する心を忘れるな-
This article has both English and Japanese version.下にスクロールすると日本語版が読めるよ! To the ones who hesitate to try challenging stuff (including myself), This March, I went out of my country for the first time in my life, learnin... -
To everybody who suffers from anxiety -不安を抱える全ての人へ-
This article has both English and Japanese version.下にスクロールすると日本語版が読めるよ! Back in childhood, I’d often feel anxiety mainly due to my lack of abilities in various fields. Such negative feelings motivated me to improve my... -
You hate them? Why? -嫌いな人をつくらない-
This article has both English and Japanese version.下にスクロールすると日本語版が読めるよ! “Is there anybody you don't like?” If you get this question, you may imagine the person you hate. But my answer is “No.” So it has been since I ... -
Should Girls Pretend to Be Inferior to Boys? -チワワのふりして生きるなんて嫌だよ-
This article has both English and Japanese version.下にスクロールすると日本語版が読めるよ! 【Do Boys Prefer Girls Who are Less Competent?】 "Competence would make girls less attractive." "Boys like girls who are inferior to them." Are t... -
My Ideal Future Self -私のなりたい私-
My future goal is to be a lecturer and give energy not only to my close friends but also to somebody struggling with their own fights. Since before, I like advising my friends who are in trouble. When I could solve their problem, I felt ... -
The Importance of Showing My True Self to Others -本当の私をさらけ出して生きる-
Since I was little, I was bad at showing my “true“ self, pretending to be a normal person like most of those who are around me. This is because of some experiences when I was superior to them in some aspects. For example, when I got a hi...